Sunday, September 26, 2010

HortiCOOLture - Downward Growth

Senecio spp.  'Oribi Gorge' 

It has been my observation that the 'Oribi Gorge', a succulent plant, has a very unique behavior when it blooms.  The stems that bear the flower bend downward.   It is very interesting.

Natural position of the flowers in relation to the plant itself.

Propped up flower to highlight details. 

Architecturally pleasing.

Bright orange flowers inside powdery green sepals.

Flower at maximum aperture.

This is a relatively new plant in my garden which continues to be a subject of my fascination.


Curbstone Valley Farm said...

How lovely! I noticed a couple of our native wildflowers last spring started out with their buds all droopy, growing downwards, but they straightened up toward the sun as their blooms unfurled.

p3chandan said...

Hi Helen, join me in the gardening game. In your post you have to tell who invited you, then list down 10 things you love to do and lastly invite 10 other bloggers to the game. Have fun!

creativejewishmom/sara said...

Hi Helen, a million thanks for this post, since I have been trying to figure out what kind of succulent I had and was told "wait until it blooms".....which it did and on google I found your photos! How did you identify the plant? I'm growing this in Northern Israel and will be posting about it tomorrow on all the best!

Helen Lewis said...

CreativeJewishMom -- I'm glad that I could be of help. :)

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