Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It's Been Awhile...

Pomegranate 'Wonderful'

That' right, it's been almost six months since I posted here.  For those who have been following this blog, I apologize for the long silence.  Last year sometime in April,  I picked up a pencil and started to draw plant parts.  Then I realized I was challenging myself to learn botanical art without any training.  In other words I was and still am self teaching.  Needless to say that I have been enjoying my baby steps. However, time and time again, I am conflicted because writing about horticulture and photographing plants/gardening are like my old friends whom I love.  A big portion of my creative time is now devoted in getting to know my new friend - painting.  And yet, the only reason I love painting is because of my interest in horticulture.  Indeed they are NOT two different friends - they are one art - just expressed in different media.  Anyway, my initial point was to explain my long absence in the blogosphere and I resolve to make more frequent appearance here in the future. 😊

New in the garden this year are three abutilon varieties. 

The hummingbirds enjoyed the abundance of nectar.
Currently my garden is getting ready to go into its winter break.  It was a good productive year overall with the exception of the grapes which were heavily infested with Leaf-hopper (Ciccadellidae).  This is the first year in a long time when we did not make grape molasses. Sigh. Fortunately, there is always the promise of the next year.

Bartlett Pear:  The golden days before winter.

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