Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sempervivum Flower

Sempervivum spp. Flower

This morning when I went out to water my plants I saw these unique flowers coming out from the Sempervivum spp.  (a.k.a. hen-and-chicks).  They are not very obvious because they are rather tiny.  However, with a little bit of magnification anyone can see the intricate details of these dainty flowers.  When the flowers are unopened, grayish green sepals wrap around baby-pink petals.  As the petals unfurl, reddish pink color is revealed in a star-like shape.  Red stamens with yellow tips stick out from the center.

The name sempervivum means ever-living (semper meaning always and vivere meaning to live).  So far they have proven to be ever-living in my garden.

Various succulents in one pot.  Notice the tiny flowers hanging.

Sometimes the most beautiful things come in small packages.

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