Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hummingbirds: Domesticating the Wild

A place to watch the birds.

With the addition of two hummingbird feeders on both ends of the arbor, we have attracted more hummingbirds to reside in the garden.  The arbor provides a shady place for us to observe them. 

Perched on a tiny branch in between feedings.

Feeling content with a bountiful supply of food.

Hummingbirds are territorial - they drive each other away

Sign of victory:  Feathers on the beak after a fight.

Insecure - still watching over the feeder. Why can't they share? 

Hummingbird formula = 1 part sugar + 4 parts water


  1. What a great spot to watch the hummingbirds! And yes, they are vicious! I almost got rammed in the head by an aggressive hummer chasing another away. Obviously he didn't see me!

  2. Great photos, and I didn't realize those sweet little birdies were so fierce.

  3. Lovely photos! They're so difficult to photograph...but that said, maybe I need a hummingbird feeder! We've seen lots of Anna's here recently zipping around the Salvia blooms, and love it when the dazzling red head of the males catches the sunlight. They are territorial though, and we do see occasional squabbles, even over the flowers.

  4. Great photos Helen. I saw my first hummingbird yesterday, but not at my feeder. They must be coming because it is always empty, but I have not seen the bird there. It was at my neighbors weigela. I never got to photograph one either.

  5. What great photos of the hummers! I love watching them. We have two feeders, and one hangs on the window where we can see them close up. A local gardener loves to tell the story of the hummingbird who followed her in the house to refill the feeder! Last week I saw something new at the feeder - house finches were feeding from it! They snacked on a few ants and then drank the nectar. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera handy.

  6. What great pictures! I tend to neglect the hummingbird feeders because my vision is so poor, I can't see them well, and well... out of sight, out of mind. You've motivated me to take better care of them... maybe I'll be able to spy a few. (Steve has seen them several times!)
