Saturday, August 7, 2010

One More Reason Why Tomatoes Should be Harvested...

Birds have decided to help themselves to my tomatoes.

Just because we still have a basketful of tomatoes in the kitchen does not mean that I should stop harvesting them.  Some of my garden friends - the birds, are more than willing to help themselves to the fruits as soon as they see the color turns appetizing. 

Birds like to eat the fruits on the upper portion of the tomato plant.

I would have preferred that they eat from the cherry tomatoes. Since they don't eat much, the marble-sized tomato would be a perfect portion for one meal.  But no!  The bigger fruits provide them a place to brace up as they savor the delicious fruits of the garden.  Well, I don't blame them; in fact I need to be generous.   After all they are my partners when it comes to attacking our pesky enemies.  These are the same birds that helped me get rid of the tomato caterpillars from my plants when I was busy doing other things.  If you have not watched a Blue Jay kill a huge caterpillar by hitting it against a rock, then you have not seen much!  :)


  1. Wow I dont think birds eat tomatoes in England. Enjoyed your post.

  2. aloha helen,

    thanks for connecting with me, sorry i haven't been active with blotanical in a bit...alot of hobbies keeping me busy at the moment including gardening outside...looks like you are somewhere in northern calif from your posts-a great growing envirnonment...i lived in guerneville and had peaches/plums/nectarines all the stone fruits and amazing tomatoes like you described and now i'm in a more tropical climate...look forward to your future posts :)

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