Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vegetables in the Garden

Radish (Raphanus sativus)

We have enjoyed a lot of radishes this year.  There are still some left of the 'French-Breakfast' variety in the garden which probably are too hard to eat now.  So far the first sign of bolting has just started.  I am curious to see how big they can get.  For the other variety (round red) bolting has occured a long time ago - in fact pods have already developed. 

Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

There are volunteer-potatoes growing in the vegetable garden.  They are flowering which indicates that they are long-day plants.  The leaves look green and healthy which means that the tubers underneath the ground are getting bigger.  When the leaves start to turn yellow and brown that is the sign that they are about ready for harvesting.

Tomato (Solanum esculentum)

All the tomatoes are doing great.  No diseases and pest so far.   I planted three varieties:  'Better Boy', 'Early Girl', and 'Sweet 100'.  
Yellow Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo)

 These Zucchini are starting to flower although so far no fruit has set.   That is not surprising at all.   Fruits will come; I just have to be patient.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

We have a very generous supply of sweet basil this year.  There's a whole plot in the garden and several of them planted in different pots.  That way we can bring some of them close to the kitchen to make cooking more convenient, I guess.

This is just a glimpse of what's going on in the garden at this time.  It will serve as a reference when I make my plans for next year. 


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