Friday, June 11, 2010

Not By Design

Clematis 'Niobe'

If you are wondering why my blog looks was not by design but rather an accident.  After publishing my last post a window popped out into my screen and out of curiosity I browsed the new Blogger updates and checked out the new templates being offered.  There was never any intention to change the appearance of my blog.  Then my mouse directed the cursor to the forbidden button followed by an unintentional click that changed the face of my blog.  The problem is the old is totally gone!  Everything changed from the oldest to the newest post.  Right now there are more important and fun things to do in the garden.  Customizing my template will have to wait. 

Clematis.  The time has come for Clematis 'Niobe' to shine as it rambles on a rose (Eden) whose flowers are now all spent.  It comes out as a pointed bud and opens to stunning velvety red petals.  The bright yellow stamens give a delightful contrast against the subdued red petals. 

I recommend clematis for every garden.  It takes very little space to grow as it prefers to grow vertically and mixes well with other ornamental plants.  There are hundreds of clematis varieties to suit every gardener's taste.  I consider clematis a low maintenance plant.

Clematis!  Clam it is!  Climb(er) it is!  Clematis!  I wonder how it got its name...

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